In Bass Fishing Gift California Home State Pride Ladies TShirt

In Bass Fishing Gift California Home State Pride Ladies TShirt
In Bass Fishing Gift California Home State Pride Ladies TShirt

Striped bass fishing in Mexico is an awesome and ultimate experience because it has some of the best bass fishing in the world. By its good environment and productive resource of water, most anglers and travelers fish here. Mexican bass lakes like Huites, El Salto, Baccarac, Agua Milpa, Comedero and Guerrero can offer basses over 10 pounds on any given cast.

The second is fishing pressure. The local population does not take advantage of the great Mexico bass fishing. In return, there will never be over fifty and most of the time under twenty five boats of bass fishing on Mexican Lake on any given day instead of hundreds of bass boats fishing the lakes every day Therefore, the bass have lot less pressure put on them, which makes bass fishing Mexico the best. Indeed, Mexico is still the best site of bass fishing.

On the other hand, East coast of Mexico has two great Lakes for Mexico bass fishing: Lake Guerrero, producing numbers with an occasional ten-pound plus; Lake El Cuchillo, the newest Mexico bass fishing lake of them. It is located less than a hundred miles south of the Texas/Mexico border. It has been producing some very impressive catches.